
Mobile network operators (MNO)

If you say Africa, you say Mobile connectivity. Due to a lack of high-volume fixed infrastructure, Africa has rapidly developed a Mobile infrastructure that is second to none. And not just in mobile communication, but also in payments, insurance, content delivery and lots of other sectors. We are therefore more than proud to have Vodafone Conga as our launching client in 2019.

Fintech & Banks

We have been involved in Fintech before the term was coined. Payments, invoicing, short term loans, wallets, you name it and we have been involved. We thoroughly understand the need for high security connectivity between critical fintech and banking systems. Understanding what you plan to achieve is key, and with our experience we are pretty confident we can and will.


Modern e-commerce is more and more platform based. The delivery of goods and services as well as content increasingly are done through cloud-based SaaS platforms. Localization of these platforms is key, with many markets demanding specific connectivity and integrations. Our developers have extensive experience in making sure your Platform performs optimally in whatever market you operate in.